The resources of Duet With Me are offered on a Pay-What-You-Can model.
You should feel free to use and share them under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 license.
However, if you like them, use them, and can afford it, I’d really appreciate your support. Anybody who contributes $20 may request a personalized copy of a duet.
Here’s some suggested donations…
For Individuals who want to say…
$5 - Thanks for creating these duets!
$10 - Double thanks!
$20 - I would have spent at least this much on duet books anyway.
For Schools/Teachers who want to say…
$20 - I used a few of these duets with my students/classes this year.
$50 - I used a bunch of these duets with lots of my students/classes this year.
$100 - My school has decent funding!
Commissions (with optional dedication in the video and sheet music)
$50 - Short(8-15 bars)
$100 - Medium(25-35 bars)
$150 - Long duet(50-70 bars)